The dancer wears headphones. He listens to music. The body reacts to the rhythm. The world is forgotten. A choreography is created that follows its own laws. A wonderland, a trip to hell, a dance of death? The hearing person flees into a dreamlike, unreal world. He shields himself, creates his own world. He isolates himself in digital technology, creates the right atmosphere, forgets the time. - But what happens when he returns to reality? The choreographer Eno Peçi explores the question of the digital isolation of modern people and reflects real versus surreal worlds.
Zeitraum was created and staged by Peçi for Origen Festival Cultural in Switzerland 2019 and performed for the
International Festival of Contemporary Dance in Tirana - Albania at 2022
concept & choreography by Eno Peçi
performed by dancers of Vienna State Ballet
pictures by Benjamin Hofer, Gent Onuzi
Choreography & Concept by Eno Peçi
Performed for International Festival of Contemporary Dance in Tiranë - Albania
Location: National Theater of Opera and Ballet of Tirana
Dancers: Marina Rützler, Anna Possarnig, Franziska Gassmann, Eldad Ben Sasson, Mihail Sosnovschi, Felipe Vieira
New creation coming soon for "Origen Festival Cultural"! With dancers of Vienna State Ballett! Choreography by Eno Peçi.